Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 2009 Independence Day everyone! :D
Hope you all enjoy it... blow up fireworks tonight! XD
(my tablet isn't working, so I had to draw this pic by mouse T.T)

Exteel robots - Optimus and Chimera

Hehe... that was the closest I could get to Optimus Prime. XD
Yes, I was bored... so I mixed and matched the robot parts I bought. lolz

Friday, July 03, 2009

Bob the Exteel Robot

Yeah... named him Bob cuz Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise)'s bodyguard in The Last Samurai was named Bob. LOL

My new Exteel robot - Prime

Yah, me and my cousin just came back from 7 Eleven to get game cards... and voila! I made a new robot in Exteel... named him Prime. lolz
Doesn't he look awesome? XD

Thursday, July 02, 2009