Friday, September 30, 2011


Dear PotC: Young At Sea fans,

I'm really, really sorry about the huge delays with the fanfiction... truly I am! I didn't think I would be as occupied in college as I am now. I commute and have classes everyday. I was hoping to have time to draw out a webcomic for it, but sadly, I don't. The con of writing the fanfic is that I'm not sure if I can fully capture all the humor and action. That's why I originally wanted to draw a webcomic. But a pro is that the long awaited fanfic will be out!

So I was thinking that I'll write one chapter every 2 weeks or so (no exact dates), maybe even once a month, it depends on my time management.

But I can, however, promise that when I post each chapter, I will provide a little illustration of a scene from the chapter!

Well, that's it for now. I hope I can actually get this done!

Yours truly

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