Friday, April 18, 2008

Sweeney Todd cartoon fanart

Drawn on 3/7/08.
Sweeney Todd is awesome. Inspired by Daryl Toh Liem Zhan's Sweeney Todd fanart.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Pirates of the Caribbean: Young at Sea - Jolly Roger

Drawn on 3/26/08.
Amazingly done in 1 hour and 30 minutes. (I usually take longer for drawings such as this.)
Yes, Jolly Roger is in my story, Pirates of the Caribbean: Young at Sea.
He's from the PotC Online game if you don't know already.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Young at Sea (2008)

Drawn on 3/14/08.
This is the cover for my story, Pirates of the Caribbean: Young at Sea.

Okay, well you know that at the end of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Barbossa was just on his way to look for the Fountain of Youth, but Jack Sparrow had gotten away with the map. So in me and my sister's story, Young at Sea, Gen Hawkins, Barbossa, and Jack decide to collaborate and search for the Fountain of Youth. Well, they find it and Barbossa, Jack and the rest of their crew are young... and the adventure begins! XD

>From left to right: Hector Barbossa, Gen Hawkins, and Jack Sparrow.


Trying to settle his debt with Davy Jones, Jack Sparrow had been caught in a series of swashbuckling events with cannibals, the Royal Navy, and the Kraken. After the battle at the maelstrom and having defeated Cutler Beckett, Will Turner disappeared into Davy Jones's locker to resume his work as Captain of the Flying Dutchman. Elizabeth stayed behind because of her pregnancy, and Barbossa was just on his way to search for the Fountain of Youth, but he found out that Jack had sailed away with his map. But Jack had become stranded on an island after a big storm, and Captain Hawkins dragged him on board, taking Jack back to Barbossa. The three captains finally decided to work together to find the Fountain of Youth and came to an accord. Meanwhile, Beckett's right-hand man, the notorious Admiral Lance Forbes, is on the hunt for Jack, Barbossa, and Gen. The admiral is intending to have absolute power over Port Royal and the East India Trading Company…

Gibbs, Marty, and Jack purikura

Drawn on 3/27/08

Jack Sparrow colored pencil

Drawn on 3/27/08.
I was bored, so I drew a random doodle in my sketchbook.